Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Weigh In

It's Friday again. I lost between 1.5 - 2 pounds. It wasn't exactly 2, but it was pretty close. I feel like I'm still on track, especially since I only got to the gym twice this week. Today I had a good workout even though the track was closed at the gym I jogged on the treadmill for 3 miles. It took me a little longer than on the track, but I did jog for a full 30 minutes which I haven't done on the track. I usually walk every third lap. It does help to be distracted watching tv.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Outside jog

I was getting a little bored with the elliptical this morning so I decided to brave the cold and jog outside. I haven't done that for awhile and it felt so good that I could go so much faster and farther than I could in the fall. I can feel myself getting stronger and I'm looking forward to feeling myself getting skinnier.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sick Baby

My baby is sick so I can't do my usual schedule of going to the gym. Luckily I do have an elliptical and Wii Fit at home so I am still exercising. Whenever I start a routine it seems to get interrupted just as it gets easy. But I will get back on Thursday (as long as baby keeps getting better) so in the meantime I'll try to work hard at home.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday weigh in

It's Friday weigh in and I met my goal! Another 2 pounds gone. Plus I did a body sculpt class today and it was tough! Now just to get myself back to the class next week.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

3 miles

I am now jogging 3 miles. Well - I jog 3 times around a track and walk one. 10.5 laps is a mile and today I made 32 laps in about 33 minutes. I've increased my jogging and my time and my distance quite a bit since I started so I feel good about my progress.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Grocery Shopping

I used to love grocery shopping. Now with three kids I have been loving it less. But now with three kids and trying to eat more healthy it's torture. Walking past all that delicious food and doing my best to keep my eyes toward only those that are healthy is difficult. And now all the delicious Easter candy is tempting me. Good thing I have those Cancun images in my head to keep me walking right on past.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've never been an exercise fanatic. But I have been going to the gym fairly consistently now for a couple of months and I'm finding I really enjoy it. It's great me time and I really do feel better for the rest of the day after I've exercised. I've heard people saying that forever, but now I believe it. And I feel like I'm getting stronger which is great!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Next Weekend

I was going to start the Isagenix 9 day plan, but I didn't plan ahead well enough and didn't get the supplements in time. So now it's going to be next weekend. I guess that means I just need to eat well and exercise this week so I can achieve my goals.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday weigh in

I decided Friday will be my weigh in day and today I lost 2 pounds! So I met my goal for this week. Now the trick is to just keep it going.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We are going to Cancun in 9 weeks. My goal is to lose 17 pounds by then. I think that is a do-able goal. Only 2 pounds per week. I weighed myself today at the gym so I'll post when the pounds go down.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Food Journal

I bought a notebook today so I could keep a food journal. I think writing down what I'm eating will help keep me accountable and help me see exactly what I'm eating. I just had a few bites of my baby's leftover birthday cake and I'm already not excited about writing it down.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's time

It's my baby's 1st birthday and I'm finally ready to commit to losing this weight. Well I'm committing on Monday. After all you can't actually start on Superbowl Sunday right? Carmel Popcorn is much too good for that. I decided that if I have to write about my progress maybe that will help me accomplish the weight loss instead of just talking about it. Wish me luck and I'll post the progress as it happens.