Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm back from Cancun and it was such a great trip. A little rainy, but very motivational and relaxing! Now I just need to get back to my exercising and eating healthy. It's amazing how easily good habits are broken. I did go running the past two mornings and while I wasn't where I was I think I'll be ready for my 5K next month.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I was excited to buy my swimsuit for Cancun. You can go to to check out the styles that are now on sell at Costco in Riverdale. You can get them there for about $20 less than you can get them online. I got the ruched with sash top in Purple n Bubbles and either the Ruched Bubbles bottom or the Sash Bikini in Purble Bubbles. I can't wait to be on the beach!

Friday Weigh In

My oldest has been coughing terribly this week so again no gym. Not to mention that my muscles are just barely getting to where I can walk again normally after that body pump class! So no weigh in before I go to Cancun. I don't actually think I made my goal. I don't think I lost those last 2 pounds and I haven't been very disciplined this week. When I get back I'm going to be ready to get back to the gym and eating like I should.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Body Pump

OUCH! I went to Body Pump this morning and luckily DH was home when I got home because I had to lay down for about an hour before my muscles started working again.

Easter Candy

So I may have eaten too much Easter Candy over the weekend because I gained almost a pounds. Oops! I guess I'll just have to be extra good this next week because only one more week until Cancun!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday Weigh In on Thursday plus Zumba

I went back to the gym today and my ankle feels ok. Zumba wasn't too hard on it and it is a pretty fun class. I still like hip hop better, but it was fun. So since I don't think I'll be going to the gym tomorrow I figured I better do my Friday weigh in today. I was again really nervous because I hadn't weighed myself all week and I really hadn't exercised at all. I didn't quite meet the 2 pound goal, but I did lose about 1 1/2 pounds. Which leaves me with 1 1/2 pounds more to go for my Cancun goal and about 10 days until we leave. Still sounds doable!